The Council of the Institute of uzbek national musical Art named after Yunus Rajabi is a permanently functioning supreme collegial body of the Institute of uzbek national musical Art named after Yunus Rajabi.
The Council operates based on the Charter since September 17, 2020. The Council carries out its activities on the principles of legality, transparency, independence, freedom of thought, collegiality, consensus among members, and consideration of public opinion.
The Council of the Institute of uzbek national musical Art named after Yunus Rajabi conducts its work in the following areas related to the institute's activities. In particular:
- organizing effective educational, methodological, scientific, and other activities for the preparation of highly qualified teaching personnel for all areas of the education system;
- satisfying the intellectual, cultural, spiritual, and moral needs of individuals through pedagogical education and meeting the state and public demand for specialists with higher pedagogical education, qualified professionals, and highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel;
- coordinating activities for the preparation of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, and the implementation of fundamental and scientific research;
- analyzing the implementation of normative-legal documents, state programs, annual plans, as well as decisions and orders of the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovations at the Institute of uzbek national musical Art named after Yunus Rajabi;
- discussing issues of increasing personal responsibility of the leaders and staff of the Institute of uzbek national musical Art named after Yunus Rajabi for the timely and quality performance of their official duties;
- approving plans for the retraining and professional development of teaching staff and hearing reports on their implementation;
- developing and implementing measures necessary for spiritual-educational, teaching-methodological, upbringing, and scientific research work based on relevant normative-legal documents;
- hearing reports from the rector, heads of institutions under the Institute of uzbek national musical Art named after Yunus Rajabi, vice-rectors, deans of faculties, heads of departments, and division chiefs regarding the fulfillment of tasks assigned to the Institute of uzbek national musical Art named after Yunus Rajabi;
- reviewing the operational procedures and powers of vice-rectors, faculties, departments, and divisions of the Institute of uzbek national musical Art named after Yunus Rajabi;
- publishing announcements for vacant positions and reviewing candidates' documents on a competitive basis in accordance with the Resolution No. 246 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 25, 2015, and the "Regulation on the Procedure for Hiring Teaching Staff in Higher Education Institutions on a Competitive Basis";
recommending candidates for academic titles of professor and associate professor to the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
discussing educational literature prepared by the professors and teachers of the Institute of uzbek national musical Art named after Yunus Rajabi and recommending educational literature and monographs for publication to the Coordination Council of the Center for Higher Education Development under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovations.
The Council is also entitled to consider other issues related to the competence of the Institute of uzbek national musical Art named after Yunus Rajabi, requiring collegial discussion and associated with the institute's activities.
• Institutning yigʻilishlarida, majlislarida va boshqa tadbirlarida qatnashish;
• Institutning axborot siyosatini takomillashtirishga doir takliflarni, Xizmat faoliyati masalalari boʻyicha normativ hujjatlar loyihalarini rahbariyatga koʻrib chiqishi uchun kiritish;
• Shuningdek, oʻziga yuklangan vazifalarning sifatli va oʻz vaqtida bajarilishi;
• Institut faoliyatining milliy va xorijiy OAVda xolisona, sifatli va tezkor yoritilishini taʼminlash uchun javob beradi.