The Faculty of "Professional Education" was established in accordance with the resolution of the 5th meeting of the Council of the Yunus Rajabiy Uzbek National Institute of Musical Art dated December 30, 2021, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-6000 dated May 26, 2020 "On measures to further increase the role and influence of the sphere of culture and art in the life of society"
The faculty aims to train professional performers and teachers in the art of Uzbek national music, including maqom singing and instrumental playing, conduct scientific research, train scientific and pedagogical personnel, and carry out organizational, spiritual, educational, and educational work.
The multifaceted activities of the faculty are aimed at teaching and developing Uzbek national musical art, as well as national maqom performance, as well as promoting masterpieces of the Uzbek national musical heritage in our homeland and abroad.
The faculty's priority tasks include the widespread promotion of Uzbek national musical art, including the performance of national maqom, and the spiritual upbringing of young students.
At the faculty, Professor Munojot Yo'lchiyeva, Hero of Uzbekistan, teaches students in the field of maqom singing:
5150600 – Vocal art (traditional singing);
60211400 – Vocal art (traditional singing);
5111000- Professional education: 5150600 – Vocal art (traditional singing);
60112400-Professional education: 60211400 – Vocal art (traditional singing);
5111000- Professional education: 5150700 – Musical instrument performance (by type);
60112400-Vocational education: 60211400 – Instrumental performance (traditional instruments);
60111300 – Music education;
Bachelor's and master's degree students are being trained in the full-time form of education in the specialty 5150600 - Vocal art (traditional singing).
The faculty includes the departments of "Maqom Singing", "Preparation of Teachers of Vocal and Instrumental Performance" and "Uzbek Literature, Languages and Humanitarian Sciences" , which employ 2 professors, 6 candidates of sciences, 6 associate professors, 14 senior teachers and lecturers, as well as an experienced team of professors and lecturers consisting of Heroes of Uzbekistan, People's Artists of Uzbekistan, People's Commissars of Uzbekistan, and Honored Artists of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
A total of 288 bachelors are studying at the faculty in the 2022-2023 academic year, of which 93 are in the 1st year, 78 in the 2nd year, 62 in the 3rd year, and 55 in the 4th year.
There are all conditions for students of the faculty to study in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard.
Bachelor's degree qualification requirements
5150600 – Vocal art (traditional singing);
60211400 – Vocal art (traditional singing);
55111000 - Professional education: 5150600 – Vocal art (traditional singing);
60112400 - Vocational education: 60211400 – Vocal arts (traditional singing)
5111000 - Professional education: 5150700 - Instrumental performance (by type)
60112400-Vocational education: 60211400 – Instrumental performance (traditional instruments)
60111300 – Music education;