Scientific degree and titleIndependent candidate (PhD)
Job title:head of the department (temporarily serving)
Appointment time:Daily (10.00 – 12.00)
Phone: +998 90 9886270
Subjects of study: Instrumental performance (tanbur), additional study of instruments, study of instrumental music, study of school repertoire, ensemble class (traditional musical instruments).
Lavozimi:O'qituvchiQabul vaqtlari:Dushanba- payshanba
Tel.: +998 97 187 50 00Dars beradigan fanlariXorijiy til (ingliz tili)
Ilmiy darajasi va unvoni:Filologiya fanlari nomzodi, dotsent
Lavozimi:DotsentQabul vaqtlari:Dushanba- juma
Tel.: +998 90 121 91 34Dars beradigan fanlariXorijiy til (ingliz tili)
Ilmiy darajasi va unvoni: Filologiya fanlari nomzodi
Lavozimi: Katta o‘qituvchiQabul vaqtlari:Chorshanba-juma
Tel.: +998 90 021 27 81Dars beradigan fanlariO‘zbek tilini sohada qo‘llanilishi, Mumtoz she’riyat asoslari, Maqom turkumidagi g‘azallar poetikasi
The department was created in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 26, 2020 No. UP-6000 “On measures to further enhance the role and importance of the sphere of culture and art in the life of society.” The department began its activities as part of the Uzbek National Institute of Musical Art named after Yunus Rajabi.
In the 2023/2024 academic year, the total staff of the department is 18.5 people (in total, 28 teachers and 9 assistants work within these states), of which 14.25 are full-time teachers, 4.25 part-time teachers. 6 – main workers, 2.25 – part-time.
Professors - 3 (2 men, 1 woman);
associate professors – 3 (2 women, 1 man);
senior teacher – 3 (2 men, 1 woman);
teachers – 20 (17 men, 3 women);
The average age of teachers is 35-40 years.
Scientific potential accounts for 21.42% of the main teaching staff. The department trains specialists in the field of bachelor's degree in full-time and part-time forms of study 60112400 – Professional education: 60211400 – Vocal art: traditional singing and 60112400 – Professional education: 60211500 – Instrumental performance: traditional musical instruments, as well as in the specialty 60111300 – music education. Of these, 96 students are currently studying full-time and 133 are studying part-time.
The educational process is organized on the basis of a modern credit-module system and the HEMIS educational information system. Curricula and training programs for subjects are created based on the study and comparative analysis of the experience of leading higher education institutions, as well as taking into account the requirements of customers. Thus, for students studying in the specialty of vocational education: traditional singing and instrumental performance, there is the opportunity to study additional instrumental music of their choice in addition to subjects in the specialty, ensemble.
After students complete their undergraduate studies in these areas, in accordance with the decision of the State Attestation Commission, a professional qualification in the specialty “Teacher of Vocal Arts Subjects (by type) in out-of-school educational institutions and specialized schools and boarding schools for music and art (as well as a graduate who has mastered the subject “Study of additional musical instruments”, the name of the instrument studied is indicated in brackets).”
A graduate whose performing talent is recognized can perform activities as a soloist or soloist of a maqom ensemble.
The goal of the club is to support the talent of young people, assist them in the development of creative abilities, ensure their participation in various competitions, as well as promote the further development of their interest in literature and art, understanding the world of music, beauty, and the development of human qualities.
The objectives of the club are to unite talented students studying in the field of music education, to analyze “Shashmakom”, the maqom of Tashkent-Fergana and Khorezm, to present records of the golden fund (audio-video) of our national musical heritage, which consists of collecting, studying and analyzing the work of famous mentors , choosing and studying works appropriate to their level and talent.